Mare Saag

[ curriculum vitae ]

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.ETF5756The optimising of the treatment and prophylaxis of periodontal diseases regarding to first treatment efficacy, the spectrum and antibiotic susceptibility pattern of the most important pathogens, the pharmacokinetic properties of antibiotics, and person-to person transmission
(University of Tartu, juhataja, õppetooli hoidja, dotsent)
2004 - 2006
2.ETF5293Caries prevalence in small children according to their mothers' caries situation, oral microflora and attitude towards dental treatment
(Medical Faculty, docent)
2002 - 2005
3.ETF4427A Comparative Study of Prevalence of Periodontal Diseases and Dental Caries in 12 and 15 Years Old Estonian Schoolchildren
(University of Tartu, dots.)
2000 - 2001
4.SF0181529s00Streptococcus mutansi kandlus hambaravi kartvatelt emadelt nende lastele
(University of Tartu)