title: Saastatud õhu, vee ja pinnase puhastustehnoloogiad
reg no: SF0250555s98
project type: targeted financing
subject: 1.6. Physical, Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry
1.14. Ecology
2.14. Environmental Engineering
4.1. Tillage and Amelioration
status: completed
institution: TU Technology Center
head of project: Toomas Tenno
duration: 01.01.1997 - 31.12.2002

project group
no name institution position  
1.Karin HellatUniversity of Tartulektor 
2.Jaroslav MaširinTU Technology Centerarvuti.spets. 
3.Tõnu MauringTU Technology Centerteadur 
4.Kaja OrupõldTU Technology Centerteadur 
5.Aarne PruksTU Technology Centerassistant 
6.Toomas TennoUniversity of Tartuprof. 
7.Siiri VellingTU Technology Centerteadur 
8.Malle ViikTU Technology Centerteadur