title: Organisatsiooni infokeskkond
reg no: SF0250556s98
project type: targeted financing
subject: 2.9. System Engineering and Computer Technology
5.6. Psychology
5.7. Political Sciences
status: completed
institution: TU Technology Center
head of project: Merik Meriste
duration: 01.01.1998 - 31.12.2002

project group
no name institution position  
1.Jüri AllikTU Technology Centerprofessor 
2.Wolfgang DrechslerTU Technology Centerprofessor 
3.Jüri HelekiviTU Technology Centertehnoloog.spets. 
4.Tarmo KalvetTU Technology Centermagistrant 
5.Rainer KattelTU Technology Centerteadur 
6.Tõnis KelderTU Technology Centertehnoloog.spets. 
7.Tiina KikerpillTU Technology Centerlektor 
8.Kenn KonstabelTU Technology Centerdoktorant 
9.Maret MeristeTU Technology Centertehnoloog.spets. 
10.Merik MeristeUniversity of Tartuvanemteadur 
11.Peep MoorlatTU Technology Centerpeaspets. 
12.Ingrid NikopensiusTU Technology Centertehnoloog.spets. 
13.Leon SorkinTU Technology Centerdoktorant 
14.Mark TehverTU Technology Centermagistrant 
15.Mai ToomTU Technology Centertehnoloog.spets. 
16.Eero VainikkoTU Technology Centervanemteadur