title: Kultuuridiskursi mudelid
reg no: SF0240366s98
project type: targeted financing
subject: 6.2. Philosophy
6.5. Art history and criticism
6.7. Literary Science
status: completed
institution: Under and Tuglas Literature Centre
head of project: Jaan Undusk
duration: 01.01.1998 - 31.12.2002

project group
no name institution position  
1.Epp AnnusUnder and Tuglas Literature Centreõppejõud 
2.Janika KronbergUnder and Tuglas Literature Centreosak.esim. 
3.Piret KruuspereUnder and Tuglas Literature Centreteadur 
4.Valle-Sten MaisteUnder and Tuglas Literature Centredoktorant 
5.Margo MatsinaUnder and Tuglas Literature Centremagistrand 
6.Anneli MihkelevUnder and Tuglas Literature Centreõpetaja 
7.Anneli SaroUnder and Tuglas Literature Centreõppejõud 
8.Jaan UnduskUnder and Tuglas Literature Centredirektor 
9.Rein UnduskUnder and Tuglas Literature Centreteemajuht 
10.Jaanus VaiksooUnder and Tuglas Literature Centreõppejõud