title: Holocene event stratigrapgy of Estonia
reg no: ETF4963
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 1.10. Geology
status: completed
institution: Institute of Geology at Tallinn Technical University
head of project: Leili Saarse
duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2005
description: The proposed project aims to elucidate the opportunities and problems of the establishment of the Holocene event stratigraphy of Estonia. Several geoevents are known from the Scandinavia and the North Atlantic region, as Preboreal Oscillation, cool event at 8200, 4700-4500, 2650 cal BP, Medieval Warm and Little Ice Age cooling, which have left traces into lake and mire sediments. Rapid climate changes have caused ground water table variability, changes in vegetation and mire development, sediment accumulation rates, etc. Which of the mentioned rapid events are traceable in our biostratigraphical material, how they affected the accumulation rate, sediment composition, these problems will be treated in the proposed project. The spatial and temporal distribution of geoevents will be clarified, the marker horizons and their lithology, geochemistry, texture, structure, palaeomagnetic properties, isotopic composition, macro- and microfossils examined. On the base of these data the environmental conditions, vegetation history and climate parameters will be reconstructed. The studies of the annually lake sediments will be incorporated into project to obtain the better timing control. The geoevents will be correlated with those from the neighbouring countries, their distribution and causing mechanism is foreseen to examine. The new data will be summarised and incorporated into database. Lately tephra layers have been found from Scandinavia and Karelia, these studies is foreseen to start in Estonia as well.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Eve NiinemetsTTU GILeading engineer 
2.Anneli PoskaTTU GIReseacher 
3.Leili SaarseInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical UniversitySenior reseacher 
4.Siim VeskiTTU GISenior reseacher