title: Molecular genetic characterization of Estonian breeds for the development of breeding and conservation programmes
reg no: ETF5001
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 4.4. Animal Husbandry (incl. Pisciculture)
status: completed
institution: Institute of Animal Husbandry at EAU
head of project: Haldja Viinalass
duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2004
description: The main objective of the project is to give molecular genetic characterization of Estonian farm animal breeds to develop breeding and conservation programmes, characterize the breeds' gene pool and describe inter- and intrabreed genetic variation by using the same methods and set of DNA markers (microsatellites, Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA) as used in CaDBase and RESGEN projects and nomenclature recommended by ISAG to compare Estonian breeds with others, primarly with breeds in North-European area and Baltics. By using molecular genetic methods the uniqueness of breed will be determined and the results will be used for breed assignment (for the divergence of breeds). The new marker traits will be detected and the relationship between economically important traits will be investigated. Screening of inherited traits will be carried out both in cattle and pig populations. Information received from the detecting of inherited traits will help breeders to realise their objectives and direct distribution of desired or undesired traits. Similarly characterized information of breeds could be used both for investigation of the interbreed genetic diversity and for intrabreed differentiation assisting to determine breed specific (adaptive) gene combinations, which do not appear in other breeds. By using similar approach the relationship and genetic uniqueness of breeds could be investigated. The breeding activities based on the genetic profile should be made available to preserve the interbreed variation of endangered breeds without increasing the variation by immigrating the genetic material from phylogenetically distant unsuitable breeds. The laboratory participates in the international standardization of DNA markers of different species.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Haldja ViinalassInstitute of Animal Science Estonian Agricultural Universitysenior research scientist, head of laboratory 
2.Sirje VärvInstitute of Animal Science of EAUresearch scientist