title: Elaboration of soil fertility block for the model of potato production process.
reg no: ETF5020
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 4.2. Crop Sciences (inc. Horticulture)
status: completed
institution: Estonian Research Institute of Agriculture
head of project: Jüri Kadaja
duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2004
description: The main goal of the project is development of model of potato production process POMOD.

Model POMOD is constructed on the basis of the method of reference yields. Defining yield categories on different levels, this method allows to separate the influence of factors acting to the crops and their yield beginning from above, where the number of limiting factors is less. In present state POMOD allows to calculate the potential yield, which depends on variety and solar radiation, and meteorologically possible yield depending on meteorological conditions of environment.

The objects of this project are:
1) Elaborating for the model the block of soil fertility allowing to compute actually possible yield;
2) Modernization of model input/output system and creating of user interface;
3) Integration of model with Estonian cadastral map for using database of Estonian soil map.

Expected result of project is the new version of the model of potato production process which allows to solve applied problems taking into consideration different soils and their fertility, and would be easy to exploit for users. In expected version the model will be applicable for forecasting possible yields, for evaluation of radiation resources, agrometeorological resources and soil resources in yield units for potato cultivation, and for solving different applied problems.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Jüri KadajaEstonian Research Institute of Agriculture (ERIA)Senior researcher 
2.Heino-Ülo ToomingPensionilRetired