title: Formation, development and distribution of loose-lying macroalgal mats in Estonian coastal waters
reg no: ETF5071
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 1.16. Marine Sciences and Limnology
status: completed
institution: Tallinn University of Educational Sciences
head of project: Henn Kukk
duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2004
description: Main goals:
1. To determine species composition and distribution of drifting algal mats both in time and space in the Estonian coastal waters.
2. To assess the physiological state and the intensity production processes during different phases of the formation and development of drifting algal mats in the Estonian coastal sea
3. To estimate the possible impact of the occurence and decomposition of algal mats on the processes in pelagic communities, first of all their role in structural formation of the zooplankton

As a result of these investigations additional as well lacking information about species composition, formation, development (incl. different physiological processes in the mats envolved and/or affecting) and occurence in Estonian coastal waters will be get.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Henn KukkTallinn Pedagigical UniversityHaed of the chair of Biology 
2.Georg MartinEstonian Marine Institutehead of department 
3.Tiina PaalmeEMIscientist 
4.Mart SimmEMIsenior scientist