title: Influence of foreign trade development on regional specialisation and industrial location in Estonia in the context of economic integration into the EU
reg no: ETF5084
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 5. Social Sciences
status: completed
institution: Estonian Institute of Economics at Tallinn Technical University
head of project: Grigori Fainstein
duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2004
description: This project aims at identifying and explaining the impact of trade with the EU on the regional and industrial development of Estonia.
The objectives of the project are to determine:
1. what changes can be identified in the development of foreign trade flows in Estonia and how have these changes coincided with regional development in Estonia;
2. how the development of trade flows with the EU has affected the patterns of regional specialisation;
3. how the development of trade flows with the EU has affected the location of economic and industrial activity in Estonia;
4. how the trade with the EU has affected regional income and employment in Estonia;
5. what are the winning and losing counties in Estonia in the process of economic integration with the EU.

This research project will deliver the following outcomes:
1. publication of the research results as a monograph (pre-print) in the Estonian Institute of Economics (EMI), also as papers in Estonian and international journals;
2. delivering the results of the research on the scientific conferences including the annual conferences of European Regional Science Association;
3. results and outputs of the research project will form the basis for master theses and the teaching activity at Tallinn Technical University.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Grigori FainsteinEstonian Institute of EconomicsAssistant Professor