title: Development of vertebrate fauna in Estonia and its exploitation by man during the Prehistoric and Historic times
reg no: ETF5098
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 1.10-1.16. Bio-Geo Sciences
6.1. History (incl. Archeology)
status: completed
institution: Institute of History
head of project: Lembi Lõugas
duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2005
description: Aim of the project is to investigate:
1) Fauna of the Pleistocene: since the material is scanty, it is necessary to study very carefully all finds recorded until now (many of them are stored in the museums, but without available information); also fieldwork on sites of discovery, and radiocarbon datings.
2) Faunal changes at the Pleistocene/Holocene transition.
3) Formation and evolution of the Holocene fauna in different geographical regions (coast versus inland).
4) Holocene fauna and the human impact together with the development of agriculture (animal breeding).
5) To systemise the bone material studied so far, and create a database.
6) Osteometrical and -morphological changes in vertebrates and their causes.
7) Dating faunal changes.
8) To collect data about the natural and antropogenic factors (mainly from literature).
Domestic animals. To establish:
1) The time of introduction of foreign breeds in Estonia.
2) The diet traditions (concerning meat) of different social groups of people (village people of Prehistoric and Historical time, people in strongholds, medieval towns, -centres and suburbs etc.), temporally as well as geographically.

Results of the project will be applicable in planned publication about the history of vertebrate fauna (fish, birds, mammals) during the Pleistocene and Holocene in Estonia, which also includes the evolution of domestic animals and the relations between man, fauna and environment.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Lembi LõugasInstitute of HistorySenior researcher 
2.Liina MaldreInstitute of HistoryResearcher