title: Time-stamping schemes: security, efficiency, and availability
reg no: ETF5113
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 2.9. System Engineering and Computer Technology
status: completed
institution: Cybernetica AS
head of project: Ahto Buldas
duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2003
description: The goals of the project are:

1. To present a mathematically correct definition of a secure time-stamping system, which may serve as a basis for the correct security evaluation of the existing time-stamping systems and for those of the future.

2. Analysis of the existing time-stamping systems, based on the new theory.

3. Developing new time-stamping systems which use the simplest-possible data structures but which at the same time are secure in the sense of new theory.

4. More extensive studies on the availability problems in time-stamping systems.

5. To study linkage-based time-stamping systems which in a fixed application area give the smallest possible time-stamps.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Arne AnsperCybernetica ASDevelopment manager 
2.Ahto BuldasCybernetica ASsenior researcher 
3.Margus FreudenthalCybernetica ASResearcher 
4.Monika OitCybernetica ASResearch director 
5.Meelis RoosCybernetica AS Tartu LaboratoryResearcher 
6.Asko SeebaCybernetica AS Tartu LaboratoryDevelopment manager 
7.Jan WillemsonCybernetica ASResearcher