title: Mass, Flavour and Symmetries
reg no: ETF5135
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 1.3. Physics
status: completed
institution: Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
head of project: Martti Raidal
duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2004
description: The most important issues in modern particle physics are the questions of the origin of mass and flavour. During last few years completely new ideas from the theories of quantum gravity with extra space-time dimensions have appeared which allow completely new approaches to the questions of mass and flavour.The purpose of the present project is to investigate the problem of particle masses and flavour in the context of modern theories of particle physics paying special attention to the role of fundamental symmetries (such as SUSY, CP, global quantum numbers etc.) in explaining these issues. We plan to study lepton number breaking in the Randall-Sundrum type theories and relate the smallness of this breaking to the smallness of neutrino mass. Following the Conformal Field Theory (CFT) - Anti de Sitter (AdS) space correspondence the global symmetries in our world (in CFT) correspond to gauged symmetries in the bulk. This correspondence motivates to break lepton number outside of our world. The neutrino masses may be realized by adding new Higgs multiplets to our world. We plan to study the phenomenology of these new particles. Second class of models we plan to investigate are SUSY models with right handed neutrinos. We plan to study charged lepton violation in these type of models, especially CP violation in LFV decays. We plan to work out details in which cases the T-odd asymmetry can be observable in the planned experiments. All this research is directly related to the high and low energy experiments under construction or planning. Our group is actively involved in the physics program of the CMS detector of the LHC at CERN coordinated by D. Denegri, but our interests cover also Tevatron and Linar Colliders. In neutrino physics our main emphasis will be put on the physics at future neutrino factory (both in measuring the neutrino parameters as well as in low energy muon experiments..

project group
no name institution position  
1.Endel LippmaaNICPBhead of lab., CERN program coordinator for the Estonian group 
2.Martti RaidalNational Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysicssenior research scientist 
3.Alar RummelNICPBPh.D student 
4.Juhan SubbiNICPBsenior scientist