title: Distributed Controllers for Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Hardware Architectures
reg no: ETF5141
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 2.9. System Engineering and Computer Technology
status: completed
institution: Tallinn Technical University
head of project: Peeter Ellervee
duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2002
description: The goal of the research is to expand the existing state machine decomposition methods in such a way that the features of coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures - relatively large and func-tionally limited modules and restricted nature of interconnections - are taken into account. It should be possible to develop analysis and decomposition methods that allow the designer in a reasonable amount of time to partition a given state machine into components with predefined constraints. At the same time, some important system level param-eters are minimized (e.g., power consumption).

The following tasks will be emphasized:
1) Power consumption analysis of controller architectures (state machines) and development of estimation methods that take into account layout effects.
2) Network architecture analysis of distributed controllers and development of decomposition and optimization methods to minimize the overall power consumption.
3) Integrating estimation and optimization methods into the prototype synthesis environment xTractor.
4) Design of a prototype chip that will model coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture. This chip would allow to validate not only methods that will be developed in the framework of the given project but also design, estimation and testing methods developed in the past and in future.

The international cooperation here is highly important, i.e., the whole methodology has to be combined from efforts of different research institutions.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Peeter EllerveeTallinn Technical University Faculty of Information TechnologyAssoc.Professor 
2.Margus KruusTallinn Technical UniversityAssoc.Professor 
3.Kalle TammemäeTallinn Technical UniversityAssoc.Professor