title: Stability prediction and environmental consequences of the mined out area
reg no: ETF5164
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 2.4. Mining
status: completed
institution: Tallinn Technical University
head of project: Jüri-Rivaldo Pastarus
duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2005
description: The results of mining may suddenly appear many years after the end of excavation. The mineral wealth of Estonia is located in a densely populated and rich farming district. The post technological processes of excavation caused and will cause in the future a large number of technical, economical, ecological and juridical problems.

The research deals with complex roof-pillar and overburden rock behavior in the mined out area, and the influence of the post technological processe on the environment. The scientific purpose of the procect is to elucidate the basic mechanism of these processes, elaborate the long-terme prognosis methods (100 years and more) and give the uncertainty estimation of the results. Estimation of the location, area and time of the collapse in a mining block, elaboration of the design and monitoring methods is the practical purpose of the project. Working out of the means to stop or slow down the negative impact on the environment.

Stability/instability prognosis of mining, underground constructions and overburden rocks enables to determine the parameters of collapse and surface subsidence, estimate the negative impact on the environment. It allows modifying the construction calculation methods and performing the monitoring. The method is applicable in other geological conditions, where the room-and-pillar system is used. The method is suitable for prognosis, design and monitoring of the underground constructions.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Oleg NikitinTTU, Department of Miningpost graduate student 
2.Jüri-Rivaldo PastarusTallinn Technical University Faculty of Power EngineeringAssociate Professor 
3.Arvi ToomikTPU, Institute of EcologySenior Scientist