reg no: ETF5165
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 2.2. Materials Science
status: completed
institution: Tallinn Technical University
head of project: Jüri Pirso
duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2005
description: There is an increasing interest in continuing to reduce the carbide grain size for cermets application in order the advantages of higher hardness and toughness. Significant improvements in mechanical, thermal, and chemical material properties are realized as the grain size is reduced to the nanometer level. These changes can have dramatic effects in extending the lifetime and robustness of cermets tools.
Usually spray conversion and carbothermic processes have been used to produce nanostructured WC-Co hardmetal powders. Recently, a novel process, termed as mechanically activated synthesis (MAS) was invented. The basic form of the MAS process is to mechanically activated reactants at room temperature through high energy milling. MAS is now recognized as one of the effective methods to synthesis nanocrystalline materials. It is important to point out that in comparision with the current industrial carbothermic reduction, MAS exhibits less energy consumption, high production rates and better powder characteristic. Thus, MAS is an effective approach for tonnage production of nanostructured carbides as well as a cost-effective process in comparison with the current industrial carbothermic reduction for the synthesis of submicron sized carbides.
The main goal of planned work are to elaborated cermets with nanosize carbide grain size. The first step of the work is to produce nanosize tungsten-, titanium- and chromium carbides powders by mechanical activating. The second step is to elaborate the cermets on the base of nanosized carbides. Nowadays is produced cermets on the tungsten carbide with grain size about 400 nanometers. A nanosize cermets have a unique properties as high strength and hardness and wear resistance at the same time.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Sergei LetunovitšTTU GKlecturer 
2.Jüri PirsoTalllinn TeChnical UniversitySenior reseacher 
3.Rainer TraksmaaTTU MUKengineer 
4.Mart ViljusTTU MUKressearcher