title: Electrically Conductive Polymer - Zn/Cd Chalcogenide Composites and Multilayer Structures
reg no: ETF5190
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 1.6. Physical, Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry
2.2. Materials Science
status: completed
institution: Tallinn Technical University
head of project: Andres Öpik
duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2004
description: The aim of this project is to prepare and investigate the photoactive Zn/Cd chalcogenides in combination with electrically conductive polymers (ECP) as composites, blends and multilayer structures.
This proposal includes the development of structure preparation methods and also the physical and chemical characterisation of the prepared structures. The thermochemical modification, basing on the thermodynamic modeling method, can give the semiconductive photovoltaic materials combined with ECP structures with promising and, that is more important, predicted physical and chemical properties. The practical application of these structures based on ECP and semiconductive photovoltaic materials is intended for different photovoltaic devices (LED-s, light emitters for lasers, for displays, for computer and TV screens).

project group
no name institution position  
1.Sergei BereznevTallinn Technical Universityresearcher 
2.Igor GolovtsovTallinn Technical Universityresearcher 
3.Jekaterina ReutTallinn Technical Universityresearcher 
4.Vitali SõritskiTallinn Technical Universityresearcher 
5.Olga VolobujevaTallinn Technical Universitydoct.student 
6.Andres ÖpikFaculty of Chemistryprofessor