title: Maintaining the structural elements of old forests and biological diversity in forest management
reg no: ETF5257
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 4.3. Sylviculture, Forestry
status: completed
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Raivo Mänd
duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2004
description: The main aims: 1. to find methods of quantifying forest management intensity, relevant for determining the impact of management to biological diversity in landscape scale; 2. to determine the relationships between abundance, distribution, characteristics and occupancy of structural key-elements of forests (dead trees, very old living trees, cavity trees etc.), and the management regimes of forests; 3. to assess the extent at which the structural key-elements are aggregated to protected areas and key habitats; 4. to explore the relationship between the survival and occupancy of retention trees with the characteristics of the trees and logged areas; 5. to model the distribution of (selected) threatened species on the basis of official forest survey variables and landscape structure to predict their habitats in managed forest areas.

Project output: 1. Scientific papers summarizing the results on subjects of the theses listed below; 2. PhD thesis of P. Lõhmus "Diversity and dispersal of epiphytic and epixylic lichen species in forests in relation to the amount and distribution of substrata in the landscape"; 3. PhD thesis of A. Lõhmus "Habitat selection in forest birds: variability of preferences and its relationship with population dynamics"; 4. MSc thesis of R. Rosenvald "Changes in forest landscapes and their relationship with the occurrence of protected bird species; 5. MSc thesis of K. Alamets "Relationships between landscape variables and the distribution of forest birds"; 6. MSc thesis of R. Kinks "Breeding success, home-range size and foraging habitat selection in the White-backed Woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos) in managed and unmanaged forests"; 7. MSc thesis of J. Remm "Occurrence and occupancy of tree cavities in managed and unmanaged forests"; 8. MSc thesis "Survival of retention trees in relation to the characteristics of the trees and logging areas".

project group
no name institution position  
1.Asko LõhmusUniv. TartuPhD student 
2.Piret LõhmusUniv. TartuPhD student 
3.Raivo MändUniversity of Tartuprofessor 
4.Hardi TullusEst. Agric. Univ.professor 
5.Kai VellakEst. Agric. Univ.researcher