title: Formal and informal public institutions in Estonia: factors of economic development
reg no: ETF5297
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 5.1. Economics
status: completed
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Jüri Sepp
duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2005
description: The research project has as well positive as normative goals: to analyse the influence of diverse public institutions on the economic development in Estonia and thereby to generate and evaluate possible alternatives of economic policy. As well theoretical as practical results are expected: new and specific knowledge about the relationship of institutional and economic development. Thereby a few new methodological approaches (models) will be anysed critically and praxis-orientated proposals for economic policy will be generated.

As concrete research objects the following formal institutions are selected:
The importance of rules and regulations in institutional competition of transformation countries and the competitiveness of Estonia.
The regulation and deregulation of special economic fields in Estonia, characterised by tecnological net-systems (energy, telecommunication, transport etc.)
The regulation of economic sectors, characterised by large positive external effects (e.g. high schools, science etc.)
Additionally the importance of informal institutions and their relation to formal institution will be analysed. Special research objects are:
The importance of the "spirit of competition" in the transformation process.
The role of local social capital in the development of periphery industrial settlements and agricultural regions.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Diana EermaUniversity of Tarturesearcher 
2.Jüri SeppUniversity of Tartu, Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationProfessor 
3.Ralph WrobelUniversity of Tartulecturer