title: Designing of novel protectormolecules and their investigation in vitro and on animal models
reg no: ETF5327
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 3. Medical Sciences
status: completed
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Mihkel Zilmer
duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2005
description: The main aim of of the project is to create a library of specific antioxidative protectormolecules and to test properties (including a protective potency) of the representatives of library both in vitro and on animal models (brain total ischemia model, model for parkinsonism, Langendorff's model, brain focal ischemia model) using updated biochemical methods and markers, what results in development of effective neuroprotectors. The importance and reality of main aim of project is based on the following circumstances: 1) creating and using specific antioxidative protectormolecules is a highly perspective scientific-practical world-trend; 2) prolonged severe OS has one of the key-positions in intensive adverse progress of neurodegenerative diseases, strokes, ischemic or traumatic damages of brain, arteriosclerosis and ischemia/reperfusion damages and thereby the investigation of OS and creating and using possible antioxidative protectormolecules had achieved more and more attention; 3) we have an experience, competence and co-operation for OS-related investigation, for designing of protectormolecules and for investigation of protectionmechanisms on animal models.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Jaak Kals 
2.Tiiu KullisaarDept of BiochemistrySenior reseacher 
3.Stanislav Liskmann 
4.Riina MahlapuuDept of BiochemistryReseacher 
5.Priit Põder 
6.Ursel SoometsDept of BiochemistryAss. prof. 
7.Joel StarkopfClinic of AnesthesiologyHead of Clinic 
8.Mihkel ZilmerTartu University, Dept of BiochemistryProf. Head of Dept of Biochem