title: Holotseeni geosündmuste varvokronoloogiline ajaskaala
reg no: SF0331758s01
project type: targeted financing
subject: 1.10. Geology
status: completed
institution: Institute of Geology at Tallinn Technical University
head of project: Siim Veski
duration: 01.01.2001 - 31.12.2005

project group
no name institution position  
1.Tiiu AlliksaarInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universityvanemteadur 
2.Katrin ErgInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universitydoktorand 
3.Atko HeinsaluInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universityteadur 
4.Kalev KoppelTÜ Ajaloo osakondmagistrant 
5.Aivo LeplandInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universityteadur 
6.Eve NiinemetsInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universitydoktorand 
7.Anneli PoskaInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universityteadur 
8.Leili SaarseInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universitytööruhma juh. 
9.Jaana SalujõeTÜ ZHIdoktorant 
10.Jüri VassiljevInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universityvanemteadur 
11.Siim VeskiInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universityvanemteadur