title: The Russians in the Estonian Public, Scientific, Cultural and Literary Life 1901-1940. Biographical Studies
reg no: ETF5364
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 6. Humanities
status: completed
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Sergei Issakov
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2005
description: The aim of this interdisciplinary project will be a number of studies, that deal with Russian figures in Estonia 1901-1940, mainly the persons who left remarkable traces in the Estonian history, especially in its cultural life. These studies must fix the role of Russians in the Estonian public, scientific, cultural and literary life during the first half of the 20th century, show their gradual integration to the Estonian society, demonstrate the specific lines of a special ethnic group, the Estonian Russians in comparison with the other Russians, who were living in the Soviet Union, the other European states and the U. S. A.
The basis of the studies will be the current methodology of biographical research, that is going to form a special field in the humanities and is using the results of cultural history, philology, semiotics and some other fields. The planned investigations will follow the principles of J. Lotman school in the field of semiotics and its cultural-historical traditions.
Within the framework of the project some theoretical (methodological incl.) aspects will be followed, that form the foundation to the biografical studies in Estonian context, fixes the system of persons, the choice of biografical data, the reliability of material etc.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Sergei IssakovUniversity of TartuProf.emeritus 
2.Tatjana ŠorEstonian History ArchivesHead expert 
3.Hain TanklerTartu University Librarysen. researcher 0,5