title: Private international law and intellectual property: theoretical and practical foundations
reg no: ETF5397
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 5. Social Sciences
status: completed
institution: Law Institute
head of project: Heiki Pisuke
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2005
description: 1) identification of the role of private international law in the Estonian legal system and legal theory of today;
2) examination of some of the main categories of private international law and their implementation in the field of intellectual property;
3) analysis of international developments affecting the development of the Estonian intellectual property
( copyright and related rights)
4) analysis of the cultural industries and related phenomena (piracy) and the legal implications;
5) examination of practical matters of private international law related to the field of intellectual property;
6) development of concrete proposals for amendment of the legislation pertaining to private international law and intellectual property.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Kadri AuaUniversity of TartuAssistant Student in Masters 
2.Anne KalviUniversity of TartuLecturer, Doctoral Student 
3.Heiki PisukeLaw InstituteProfessor Extraordinary; Acting Head of Chair 
4.Jan TreiMinistry of JusticeAdvisor