title: Action of physical exercise on endogeneous production of 19-norandrosterone in female athletes
reg no: ETF5455
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 3. Medical Sciences
status: accepted
institution: TU Faculty of Exercise and Sport Science
head of project: Kalle Karelson
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2006
description: The aim: to clarify the factors and conditions, which evoke endogeneous production of 19-norandrosterone (a dopy substance)
Hypothesis: Hard, physical exercises evoke endogeneous production of 19-norandrosterone in the biosynthesis of estradiol as a by-product. The amount of production of 19-norandrosterone is dependent on secretion of estradiol, testosterone and progesterone in phases of varian-menstrual cycle.
In female endurance athletes the production of 19-norandrosterone will be assessed after treadmill test at the individual maximal performance. The 19-norandrosterone will be determined in blood and urine together with recording changes in estradiol, testosterone, progesterone, lutropin, cortisol, follitropin, prolactin, glucose and lactate levels in blood. The testing will take place on day 4 to 6, day 12 to 13 and 18-21 of the ovarian-mestrual cycle.
Expected results: a) data confirming the hypotheses, b) elaboration of a new research direction in order to clarify the adaptive significance of endogeneous 19-norandrosterone in muscular activity, c) proposal to improve the detection of 19-norandrosterone in the antidoping control in order to differentiate the endogeneously preduled and exogeneous (administered) 19-norandrosterone in the body.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Tamara JansonInst. of Exerc.Bioldocent 
2.Kalle KarelsonTU Faculty of Exercise and Sport Sciencesenior researcher 
3.Kadri MattGynecological Clinicsdocent 
4.Atko-Meeme ViruUniversity of Tartu, Faculty of Sports Sciencesprofessor emeritus