title: Reproductive behaviour, knowledge, attitudes, and use of reproductive health services
reg no: ETF5456
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 3. Medical Sciences
status: accepted
institution: Clinicum of Tartu University
head of project: Helle Karro
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2006
description: I Women's choices in family planning and factors that influence the choices
The general objective of this study is to investigate reproductive behavior and choices among women in fertile age.
The specific objectives of the study are:
1. To analyze use of family planning methods
2. To investigate the needs for birth control and the contraceptive method choices according to the needs.
3. To study factors related to usage of family planning methods.
4. To study women's experiences and expectations related to reproductive health services
5. To investigate the age at first sexual intercourse, use of contraceptive methods in the first intercourse and coital frequency in teenage years, and factors related to the beginning of sexual life and usage of methods.
6. To compare the Estonian results with the corresponding data from Finland.
II Factors affecting sexual maturation in adolescents
The general objective of this study is to analyse the factors affecting the sexual maturation of Estonian 9th-grade pupils (sex education, knowledgeability about sex, personal sexual experiences, and puberty changes) on the basis of the further analysis of the data of the "KISS" youth surveys.
The specific objectives are to analyse:
- what are the personal sexual experiences of ninth-grade pupils;
- what changes have taken place in school sex education and how these changes have influenced pupils' knowledge about sexual life and health;
- how the awareness of ninth-grade pupils about reaching puberty has changed in 1994 and 1999.
Availability of more systematic and precise data about the current situation in Estonia is a prerequisite for planning activities in this field of healthcare and for deciding the content of education, additionally it gives the possibility to evaluate programmes that have taken place to date.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Kai HaldreTartu University Women¿s Clinicdoctoral student 
2.Helle KarroClinicum of Tartu Universityhead of the clinic 
3.Elise KosunenTampere Ülikooldocent 
4.Mati RahuEKMIhead of the department