title: Livonia and Europe in the 13th century
reg no: ETF5514
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 6. Humanities
status: accepted
institution: TU Faculty of Philosophy
head of project: Anti Selart
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2006
description: The aims of the research are to present more convincingly and substantially than before that during the 13th century there was no strongly expressed animosity between the catholic and orthodox powers in Livonia and that the political decisions were made from the pragmatic viewpoint. At the same time the heathen and schismatic neighbourhood prooved to be handy rhetoric argument in the political propaganda. The reflections of the different political oppositions in the historical sources of the 13th century Livonia need to be studied, also important is to study to which extent the texts compiled in the centers of Europe (papal curia) reflect the local interests and to which extent over-European tendencies. The relations between the Orthodox Russia and Catholic Western Europe in the Baltic sea region during the 13th century can be explained relying on the well-known sources also without religious animosity. This aspect has gained too little attention in the researches about the medieval relations between Livonia and Russia. It was not the united and mutual interests of the Catholic and Orthodox world but several independent powers and politics that had allies and enemies on the eastern as well as on the western coast of lake Peipus.
The output of the project is the publication of series of articles handling the different aspects of the 13th century Livonian history, monography written in foreign language on the relations between the 13th century power centers Livonia, Russian principalities and Eastern Europe and the presentation of the standpoints represented in these works at the international conferences and seminars.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Anti SelartTU Faculty of Philosophylecturer