title: Development of Multiple-inductor Foucault Cardiography for Discrimination and Tracking of the Components of Human Heart Motion
reg no: ETF5530
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 1.1-1.5. Exact Sciences
2.13. Biomedical Engineering
3. Medical Sciences
status: completed
institution: TU Faculty of Physics and Chemistry
head of project: Jüri Vedru
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2005
description: Medicine still requires a non-invasive automated method for continuous monitoring of the mechanical characteristics of the heart (output, contractility, compliance, viscosity).
The further objective of the research: Development of an automatic clinical method for the monitoring of the named characteristics with the use of Foucault cardiography (FCG). Reaching of it is prevented by the unability of the previous FCG to discriminate between the components of heart motion of different physiological origination and difficulties of positioning of the single inductor.

The present Project should fulfil the following tasks:
* To develop the instrumentation of a new, multiple-inductor version of FCG enabling to record simultaneous signals from several positions and thus to discriminate between the components (contractile, reactive, breathing-originated) of heart motion. To study it experimentally and in clinic.
* To improve the simulation model of heart motion and FCG signal genesis (developed before) in accordance with the new instrumentation and to investigate the abilities of the latter via computer simulation.
* To develop method and software for quick positioning of the multiple-inductor FCG transducer on the basis of currently recorded signals.
* To develop method and software for discrimination between the components of heart motion and for monitoring of the contractile component, on the basis of multiple-inductor FCG signals.

The Project is a necessary preliminary work before clinical realisation of the FCG..

project group
no name institution position  
1.Vladimir JärvClinics of the Univ. TartuRadiologist 
2.Anatoli LandõrUniv. TartuAssoc. Prof. 
3.Sergei MaltšenkoTÜ FKEFDoctoral Stud. 
4.Jüri SamarütelUniv. TartuAssoc. Prof. 
5.Konstantin SkaburskasUniv. TartuDoctoral Stud. 
6.Jaanus TrollaUniv. TartuDoctoral Stud. 
7.Jüri VedruTU Faculty of Physics and ChemistryAssociate Professor