title: Adaptation of enterprises in the changing economic environment and development of business policy
reg no: ETF5651
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 5. Social Sciences
status: accepted
institution: TTU Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
head of project: Urve Venesaar
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2006
description: The aim of the project is to find out and estimate the factors that hinder the development of enterprises and the creation of new jobs. In addition to aspects that have been thoroughly studied (taxation, finances) the project will tackle various areas of the business environment that have so far been paid little attention to in Estonia, for example problems of trust involved in communication with business partners, customers, employees, etc.; competition policy; development of logistic infrastructure; effects of Estonia's accession to the European Union, etc. Besides obstacles, factors supporting business and ways of increasing their effect will be treated.

Qualitative and quantitative empirical methods will be used to study the behaviour of entrepreneurs, their choice of strategies and factors in the external and internal environment that affect it. The project will point out what entrepreneurs need to be able to better adapt themselves to changes and to meet the requirements of acting on the single EU market.

The project would provide an opportunity to develop the theoretical aspects of the topic proceeding from Estonian conditions. Application of several methods of economic analysis used to study the behaviour of firms and interrelationships of factors affecting it will be elaborated. In the applied aspect an attempt will be made to estimate the influence of various sides of the business environment that have so far been practically neglected in Estonia on the behaviour of firms. The findings will provide additional information to firms, their associations and other institutions on changes in the economic environment and their trends. Finding ways of liquidating the bottlenecks pointed out in the project would help further improve business policy in Estonia.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Ene KolbreTallinn Technical UniversityHead of chair, professor 
2.Enno LendTTUPhD student 
3.Signe LiivTTUMSc student 
4.Toomas PilisteTallinn Technical UniversityDirector of the Institute 
5.Ludmila StaritsõnaTTÜ magistrantMSc student 
6.Urve VenesaarTTU Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationAss. Prof.