title: Reception of academic knowledge in Estonian community in the 18-20th centuries
reg no: SF0362484s03
project type: targeted financing
subject: 1.10-1.16. Bio-Geo Sciences
3. Medical Sciences
6. Humanities
status: accepted
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Erki Tammiksaar
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007
description: The grant applied for is planned for the reorganisation of investigation in the field of science history (including history of medicine) in Estonia by setting up a group of competent investigators who in their investigations will follow the scientific principles acknowledged in Estonia and all over the world. The aim is to analyse the development of Estonian science and Estonian community, reflecting their interrelation, and the development of science and society on the world scale. In fact, it means the compilation of Estonian science history. The suggested topic would represent the first step in an attempt to treat science history as a separate discipline, to guarantee its continuation through young investigators and to realise the aim of setting up an institution which would carry out science historical investigations in Estonia and take them to international level.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Ken KallingUniversity of Tartuõppet. juhat 
2.Lea LeppikUniversity of Tartuteadusdirekt. 
3.Marju LutsUniversity of Tartudotsent 
4.Endla LõhkiviUniversity of Tartulektor 
5.Vello PaatsiUniversity of Tartuteadur 
6.Taavi PaeUniversity of Tartudoktorant 
7.Tõnu PaniUniversity of Tartudoktorant 
8.Erki TammiksaarUniversity of Tartu 
9.Sirje TamulUniversity of Tartudoktorant;lektor 
10.Hain TanklerUniversity of Tartuvanemteadur 
11.Arvo TeringUniversity of Tartuvanemteadur 
12.Rein VihalemmUniversity of Tartuprofessor