title: Mechanisms determining dynamics of plant communities.
reg no: SF0182569s03
project type: targeted financing
subject: 1.10-1.16. Bio-Geo Sciences
status: accepted
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Martin Zobel
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007
description: The present project will focus on ecological mechanisms behind the natural and anthropogenic dynamics of Estonian plant communities. In the descriptive stage, whichj will base both on existing databases and novel data, the distribution of forest, meadow and wetland plant species along environmental gradients will be investigated. The species frequencies in appropriate habitat types will be estimated. These data will enable to establish general hypotheses about dispersal limitation and interaction limitation of those species. In the experimental stage, the focus will be on the role of diaspore dispersal, competition and symbiosis as driving forces of plant community dynamics. In order to evaluate the relative role of those processes, their intensities will be manipulated experimentally, both in laboratory and in field conditions. Attention will be paid also on plant community succession in wastelands and on accompaning changes in symbiotic microbial communities.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Tsipe AavikUniversity of Tartumagistrant 
2.Ruth AguraiujaUniversity of Tartudoktorant 
3.Ülle AltnurmUniversity of Tartumagistrant 
4.Ere HainasUniversity of Tartumagistrant 
5.Ülle JõgarUniversity of TartuDoktorant 
6.Rein KalameesUniversity of Tartuteadur 
7.Kaupo KohvUniversity of Tartumagistrant 
8.Jaan LiiraUniversity of Tartuvanem-teadur 
9.Mari MooraUniversity of Tartuvanem-teadur 
10.Merit OtsusUniversity of Tartudokto-rant 
11.Oliver ParrestUniversity of Tartumagistrant 
12.Ilmar PartUniversity of Tartuvan.laborant 
13.Kersti PüssaUniversity of Tartudokto-rant 
14.Elle RoosalusteUniversity of Tartulektor 
15.Kai RünkUniversity of Tartudokto-rant 
16.Martin ZobelUniversity of Tartuprofessor 
17.Hans TrassUniversity of Tartuemeriitprofessor 
18.Maarja ÖpikUniversity of Tartuteadur