title: Basic Texts from Classical Antiquity and on Biblical Themes: Motives and their Reception
reg no: SF0182545s03
project type: targeted financing
subject: 6. Humanities
status: accepted
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Anne Lill
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007
description: The aim is to concentrate on the reception of the motives from the Greek and Roman literature and on the Biblical themes. The comparative approach includes the analysis of the literary genres, their style and thematic characteristics. In the centre of interest is the functioning of these motives in the literature of later times, during the period of the beginning of vernacular literature. The method relies on narratological and characterological principles combined to the stylistic analysis. As the result, the complex picture of functioning of the literary genres is created that reveals the role of the Ancient literature and Bible in the literary processes of later times in Estonia, in the region of Baltic and Russia. The motives from the Latin written poetry and prose are observed. This project continues this part of the earlier project that concerned literature. The further developments are meant to continue the interdisciplinary work, e.g. the connection of the ancient literature with the visual arts, especially the texts of the Ancient authors and architecture (co-operation with the Academy of Arts).
The parts of the project: 1) the Latin academical occasional poetry in Tartu, 2) reception of the Ancient literature and Biblical tradition in the Estonian and Russian literature (19.-20. cent.), 3) characters in the Ancient literature and their afterlife, 4) the figurative system of the ancient poetry. The research will be carried out mainly in two directions: 1) the literary and historically basic texts in ancient literature are analysed concerning style, figurative system and motives, 2) the legacy and influence of the motives and themes of Greek and Roman literature and Bible in the context of modern literature, the reception of them in Estonia and in neighbouring Russian literature.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Katre KajuUniversity of Tartubibliogr. 
2.Ljubov KisseljovaUniversity of Tartuprofessor 
3.Annika KuuseUniversity of Tartumagistr. 
4.Anne LillUniversity of Tartuprofessor 
5.Maria LotmanUniversity of Tartulektor 
6.Olev NagelUniversity of Tartumetoodik 
7.Kadri NovikovUniversity of Tartumagistrand 
8.Kadri NõmmikUniversity of Tartumagistr. 
9.Jana OrionUniversity of Tartumagistr. 
10.Janika PällUniversity of Tartumetoodik 
11.Kristi ViidingUniversity of Tartuteadur 
12.Roman VoitehhovitšUniversity of Tartuteadur 
13.Ivo VoltUniversity of Tartuteadur