title: Oxidative stress-based model endothelium dysfunctionality and neurodegeneration
reg no: SF0182548As03
project type: targeted financing
subject: 3. Medical Sciences
status: accepted
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Mihkel Zilmer
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007
description: Cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases are known as socioeconomically extremely exhaustive for any society. At the same time, severe oxidative stress, via an abnormal production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species has one of the key positions in their pathogenesis. Therefore, the creation of oxidative stress-based model of endothelium dysfunctionality and neurodegeration provides crucial event for both medical basic science and clinical medicine, considering above-mentioned diseases. Our preliminary international work has created neccesary objective assumptions for the realization of this scientific trend, which is unique in Estonia, and will occur via an international co-operation (University of Stockholm, University of Uppsala, Karolinska Hospital, Hud-dinge University Hospital, etc.) and in association with European CMCM.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Maigi EisenBK inst.järeldoktor (01.01.04) 
2.Ceslava KairaneUniversity of TartuV-assist. 
3.Jaak KalsUniversity of TartuDoktorant 
4.Priit KampusBK Inst.doktorant 
5.Ello KarelsonUniversity of TartuDotsent 
6.Tiiu KullisaarUniversity of TartuV-teadur 
7.Stanislav LiskmannUniversity of TartuDoktorant 
8.Riina MahlapuuBK inst.teadur; alates 2004.a., vanemteadur 
9.Eve PihlUniversity of TartuV-teadur 
10.Priit PõderBK Inst.doktorant 
11.Aune RehemaUniversity of TartuAssistent 
12.Kristiina RootsUniversity of TartuDoktorant 
13.Ursel SoometsUniversity of TartuV-teadur 
14.Kersti ZilmerUniversity of TartuV-teadur 
15.Mihkel ZilmerUniversity of Tartuprofessor 
16.Külli TederUniversity of TartuDoktorant 
17.Tiiu VihalemmUniversity of TartuDotsent