title: Psüühikahäirete epidemioloogia, geneetilised tegurid ja patogeneesi mehhanismid
reg no: SF0182590As03
project type: targeted financing
subject: 3. Medical Sciences
status: accepted
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Veiko Vasar
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007
description: The scientific theme includes the following research directions:
1. Study of the prevalence and the social and demographic factors in major psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia, mood, anxiety, substance use and sleep disorders. For this purpose we will perform analysis of clinical data and targeted populations surveys.
2. Study of the genetic basis of the major psychiatric disorders. For this purpose we will use the modern methods of genetic research, including the comparative case-control and family studies.
3. Study of the biological and psychological aspects of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders and schizophrenia. For this purpose we will investigate the biological factors, including genetic markers and neurotransmission, and the psychological parameters, such as personality traits, and their influence on the treatment outcomes.
The results of these studies will provide new knowledge of the causes, genetic background and clinical course of the abovementioned psychiatric disorders and facilitate the evidence-based approach to their diagnosis and treatment.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Anu AluojaUniversity of Tartuvan.assistent 
2.Triin EllerTÜ psüh-hiaatria-kliinikdoktorant 
3.Tuuliki HionUniversity of Tartuarst.õppejõud 
4.Jüri LiivamägiUniversity of Tartudotsent 
5.Kersti LuukUniversity of Tartuassistent 
6.Eduard MaronUniversity of Tartudoktorant 
7.Lembit MehilaneUniversity of Tartudotsent 
8.Reet MontonenTÜ psühhiaatria-kliinikassistent 
9.Kristina SaunUniversity of Tartudoktorant 
10.Jakov ŠlikUniversity of Tartuvanemteadur 
11.Piret TaalUniversity of Tartudoktorant 
12.Laur ToomaspoegUniversity of Tartuteadur 
13.Olev ToomlaUniversity of Tartuteadur 
14.Innar TõruUniversity of Tartudoktorant 
15.Veiko VasarUniversity of Tartuprofessor 
16.Marlit VeldiUniversity of Tartuteadur