title: Non-invasive methods in cardiovascular and respiratory physiology: biomedical and application aspects
reg no: SF0182591s03
project type: targeted financing
subject: 2. Engineering
3. Medical Sciences
status: accepted
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Rein Raamat
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007
description: An objective of this project is to continue our long-term research in the field of non-invasive cardiovascular and respiratory diagnostics, specialising in the beat-to-beat measurement of arterial pressure, vascular elasticity and peripheral tone as well as in the static and dynamic lung function estimation. The research will involve the development of a theoretical basis and producing an accuracy analysis for the oscillometric blood pressure measurement, reconstruction and application of novel methods for BRS and dynamic arterial compliance assessment. We will continue an investigation into the relationships between the functional status of external respiration, anthropometric indices, physical activity and respiratory complaints. We are planning to measure lung volumes and flows, respiratory resistance and lung diffusion capacity in healthy adults, patients and athletes. Recommendations for the measurement methodology and assessment criteria will be worked out. We do hope to continue our joint projects in cooperation with the Universities of Kuopio, Oslo, Linkoping and Oulu.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Kersti JagomägiUniversity of Tartuvanemteadur 
2.Peet-Henn KingiseppUniversity of Tartuvanemteadur 
3.Jana KivastikUniversity of Tartuvan.assistent 
4.Boriss KudimovUniversity of Tartudoktorant 
5.Peeter LoogUniversity of Tartuinsener 
6.Tarmo LutsarUniversity of Tartutehnik 
7.Kersti PeedoUniversity of Tartumagistrant 
8.Vello PertUniversity of Tartuvan.assistent 
9.Rein RaamatUniversity of Tartuvanemteadur 
10.Ulvi RagunUniversity of Tartulaborant 
11.Jaak TaltsUniversity of Tartuteadur