title: Religion and totalitarianism in contemporary Estonian history
reg no: SF0182580s03
project type: targeted financing
subject: 6. Humanities
status: accepted
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Tarmo Kulmar
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007
description: The objectives of the project are (1) to shape the theoretical foundations for the creation of a religious theory for totalitarian society, (2) answer the questions (2.1)to what extent totalitarian society and its disappearance have influenced the popularity of religious associations and (2.2)how totalitarian regimes were able to influence the popularity of traditional religions in a situation in which the western world was moving towards overall secularisation.
The (1) overall features of totalitarian ideologies as religions, (2)whether and to what extent Estonia¿s traditional religions display features of totalitarianism and (3)the relations of the totalitarian systems of government and ideologies that have been prevalent in Estonia with other religions will be investigated.
The anticipated results of the project: (1) further development of the theory of the totalitarian state, (2) recommendations for the avoidance of totalitarianism in Estonia in future, (3) a more precise analysis of the present religious situation in Estonia.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Lea AltnurmeUniversity of Tartuteadur 
2.Riho AltnurmeUniversity of Tartuvanemteadur 
3.Amar AnnusHelsinki Ülikoolteadur 
4.Andres GrossUniversity of Tartulektor 
5.Ermo JürmaUniversity of Tartudoktorant 
6.Jaan KivistikUniversity of Tartulektor 
7.Anne KullUniversity of Tartuvanemteadur 
8.Tarmo KulmarUniversity of Tartuprofessor 
9.Thomas Richard KämmererUniversity of Tartuprofessor 
10.Alar LaatsUniversity of Tartuprofessor 
11.Tõnu LehtsaarUniversity of Tartuprofessor 
12.Marju LepajõeUniversity of Tartuteadur 
13.Andrus NorakUniversity of Tartudoktorant 
14.Urmas NõmmikUniversity of Tartuteadur 
15.Liina OotsingUniversity of Tartudoktorant 
16.Urmas PettiUniversity of Tartudotsent 
17.Einike PilliUniversity of Tartudoktorant 
18.Atko-Sulhan RemmelUniversity of Tartumagistrant 
19.Ain RiistanUniversity of Tartuteadur 
20.Ringo RingveeUniversity of Tartudoktorant 
21.Peeter RoosimaaUniversity of Tartulektor 
22.Andres SaumetsUniversity of Tartukülalislektor 
23.Kaido SoomUniversity of Tartulektor 
24.Andrei SõtšovUniversity of Tartumagistrant 
25.Pille ValkUniversity of Tartuvanemteadur 
26.Veiko VihuriUniversity of Tartudoktorant 
27.Aira VõsaUniversity of Tartudoktorant 
28.Tiina VähiUniversity of Tartudoktorant