title: Investigations on dynamics and regularities of development of ecological subsystems in the North-eastern Baltic, Gulf of Finland and Gulf of Riga.
reg no: SF0182579s03
project type: targeted financing
subject: 1.10-1.16. Bio-Geo Sciences
status: accepted
institution: Estonian Marine Institute
head of project: Evald Ojaveer
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007
description: The project will be a logical continuation of the project 0200797s98 the final report of which will be submitted in this year. It is aimed at: 1) clarification of the development of biota in the ecological sub-systems of the relatively young brackishwater Baltic Sea from marine and freshwater immigrants by adaptation and from the species transported by man over their distribution barriers; 2) estimation of interrelations of the components of the sub-systems and their response to the natural factors and the human impact; 3) improvement of the methods of fish stock assessment; 4) development of long-term (for 20 years and more ahead) prognoses of the dynamics of ecological sub-systems based on over-long-term time series on climatic changes and biota; 5) starting the modelling of marine sub-systems of Estonian waters; 6) development of management measures based on the results of basic research. For Estonia the results are important for solving of strategic marine problems, for the Estonian Marine Institute - for the continuation of international collaboration (ICES, HELCOM, national institutes) and as the basis of applied research. Presently the above research direction has a high priority in marine science.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Marju KaljusteMEITÜ magistrant 
2.Ilmar KottaEstonian Marine Instituteteadur 
3.Ain LankovEstonian Marine Instituteteadur 
4.Marju MetsaluEstonian Marine Institute 
5.Evald OjaveerEstonian Marine Institutevanemteadur 
6.Henn OjaveerEstonian Marine Institutevanemteadur 
7.Arno PõllumäeEstonian Marine Institute 
8.Tiit RaidEstonian Marine Institutevanemteadur 
9.Heli ShpilevEstonian Marine Instituteihtüoloog