title: Ontologies of interactivity, multi-agent systems and time
reg no: SF0182565s03
project type: targeted financing
subject: 1.1-1.5. Exact Sciences
2. Engineering
status: accepted
institution: Tartu University Institute of Technology
head of project: Merik Meriste
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007
description: Agent-based methods of system design, implementation and analysis are the main sub-jects of this research. A system is treated as a multi-agent ¿ a dynamic collection of inter-acting autonomous components. Agents-based methods are applied for multi-agent de-velopment in pilot domains ¿ digital maps, cardiography, interactive High Performance Computing, DSL specification. A multi-agent engineering environment is developed in pair with the development of these multi-agent systems. Foundations of the interactivity (ontology, interactive computation, interactive ontology) are considered. Agent ontology is essentially interactive ¿ to adapt agent to a shared ontology of partner agents and, in-fluenced by multi-agent¿s environment. Research hypothesis is, that time notions of agent¿s ontology are necessary for the consensual ontology of system agents. In terms of formal models, it makes necessary the development of a model for time-sensitive interac-tive computation. Methodologically important is that research projects together form a multi-agent system ¿ a flexible research program for agent-based engineering of systems.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Jüri HelekiviTartu University Institute of Technologytehnol. spets. 
2.Janno HolmUniversity of Tartumagistrant 
3.Tõnis KelderTartu University Institute of Technologytehnol. spets. 
4.Vadim KimlaychukTartu University Institute of Technologydoktorant 
5.Merik MeristeTartu University Institute of Technologyvanemteadur 
6.Leo MõtusTartu University Institute of Technologyprofessor 
7.Jaak SimmTartu University Institute of Technologymagistrant 
8.Konstantin SkaburskasTartu University Institute of Technologyteadur 
9.Eero VainikkoTartu University Institute of Technologyvanemteadur 
10.Jüri VedruTartu University Institute of Technologydotsent