title: Algebraic structures and applications of mathematical analysis
reg no: SF0322519Cs03
project type: targeted financing
subject: 1.1-1.5. Exact Sciences
status: accepted
institution: Tallinn Technical University
head of project: Peeter Puusemp
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007
description: Actual problems of contemporary algebra and Calculus with applications in algebra, topology, theoretical physics and informatics are studied. The theme is realized through subthemes logically related to the main theme. The following problems will be considered:
1. Morphisms of groups and representations of semigroups by the endomorphism semigroups are studied. The classes of groups which can be determined by their endomorphism semigroups in the class of all groups are found.
2. Applied operad calculus is developed. In the non-associative deformation complex associated with an operad the gauge field equations, their interpretations and applications are studied. The algebraic structure of the cohomology of an ternary associative algebra and of Cartier¿s cohomology is studied in detail.
3. Harmonic analysis is applied in the study of the solvability of the problems of the determining the coefficients in systems of hyberbolic and parabolic integro-differential equations.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Leo AinolaTallinn Technical Universityvamenteadur 
2.Nadežda BazunovaTallinn Technical Universityvanemteadur 
3.Tatjana GramušnjakTallinn Technical Universitydoktorant 
4.Jaan JannoTallinn Technical Universityprofessor 
5.Kairi KasemetsTallinn Technical Universityassistent 
6.Liivi KlugeTallinn Technical Universityvanem- 
7.Madis LaasTallinn Technical Universitymagistrant 
8.Alar LeibakTallinn Technical Universityassistent 
9.Olga MeronenTallinn Technical Universitydoktorant, teadur 
10.Eugen PaalTallinn Technical Universityprofessor 
11.Peeter PuusempTallinn Technical Universityprofessor 
12.Gert TambergTallinn Technical Universitydoktorant, teadur 
13.Ivar TammeraidTallinn Technical Universityprofessor 
14.Jüri VirkepuTallinn Technical Universitydoktorant 
15.Mati VäljasTallinn Technical Universitydotsent