title: Wear resistant materials and wear
reg no: SF0142505s03
project type: targeted financing
subject: 2. Engineering
status: accepted
institution: Tallinn Technical University
head of project: Jakob Kübarsepp
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007
description: his research programme focuses studies in the field of wear, friction and wear resistant materials. The programme contains two subtopics: wear resistant materials, wear and wear prediction.
The subtopic of wear resistant materials is divided into three directions:
1) nanostructural composites - elaboration of the nanostructural ceramic - metal composites (cermets) technology;
2) flaw-removing technology of composite materials - investigation of technological possibilities to minimize structural and surface defects and their influence on properties;
3) compound materials and products - technologies and properties of wear resistant multilayer materials and products.
Subtopic of wear and wear prediction could also be divided into three directions:
1) wear and micro- and nanostructural aspects of wear - basic research to reveal aspects of failure and wear on micro- and nanoscale;
2) methodology of modelling and testing of tribosystems - development of apparatus and methodology of tribotesting of materials and coatings;
3) fatigue of wear-resistant cermets - investigation of fatigue characteristics and fatigue fracture of ceramic - metal composites (cermets).

project group
no name institution position  
1.Maido AjaotsTallinn Technical Universityprofessor 
2.Harri AnnukaTallinn Technical Universitydotsent 
3.Maksim AntonovTallinn Technical Universityteadur 
4.Irina HussainovaTallinn Technical Universityvanemteadur 
5.Eduard KimmariTallinn Technical Universitymagistrant 
6.Heinrich KlaasenTallinn Technical Universityvanemteadur 
7.Lauri KolloTallinn Technical Universityteadur 
8.Lembit KommelTallinn Technical Universityvanemteadur 
9.Jakob KübarseppTallinn Technical University 
10.Andres LaansooTallinn Technical Universitydotsent 
11.Sergei LetunovitšTallinn Technical Universitylektor 
12.Jüri PirsoTallinn Technical Universityvanemteadur 
13.Irina PreisTallinn Technical Universityassistent 
14.Priit PõdraTallinn Technical Universityprofessor 
15.Fjodor SergejevTallinn Technical Universitydoktorant 
16.Gennadi SurženkovTallinn Technical Universitydirektor 
17.Indrek TambergTallinn Technical Universityteadur 
18.Vello VainolaTallinn Technical Universitydotsent 
19.Mart ViljusTallinn Technical Universityvanemteadur