title: Investigation of environmentally friendly analytical separation methods for determination of bioactive compounds
reg no: SF0142500s03
project type: targeted financing
subject: 1.6-1.9. Chemistry and Molecular Biology
status: accepted
institution: Tallinn Technical University
head of project: Mihkel Kaljurand
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007
description: The aim of the proposed project is the research and development of miniaturized, environmentally friendly, separation methods for the determination of bioactive compounds in living organisms. The research is focused on the question: ¿To what extent can the combination of capillary electrophoresis, liquid chromatography and atomic spectroscopy result in reduced-scale instruments for bioprocess monitoring and separation of complicated mixtures?¿ One additional special focus is on the possibility of using environmentally friendly solvents in such combined separation systems. Another possible research direction is the use of combined instruments to the analysis of large number of samples (e.g bioactive compounds in body fluids or food products). New analytical methods developed during this project will broaden the bio-analytical horizons of several Estonian research groups. Initial applications will be in bioprocess monitoring and in extraction; these, in turn, will be related to the problems of environment protection. A particularly pertinent example of the environmental importance of this proposed research line and its¿ outcome is that the miniaturized ¿instrument¿ will be tested and used in investigations of those bacterial processes responsible to the degradation of the hazardous chemicals produced in the oil shale industries

project group
no name institution position  
1.Maria BorissovaTTÜ MLTdoktorant 
2.Otto DanielsonTTÜ MLTtehnik 
3.Arkadi EbberTallinn Technical Universityv.teadur 
4.Sille EhalaTallinn Technical UniversityDoktorant 
5.Kristiina FuchsTallinn Technical UniversityMagistrant 
6.Mihkel KaljurandTallinn Technical University 
7.Mihkel KoelTallinn Technical Universityv.teadur 
8.Tatjana KomisarovaTTÜ MLTmagistrant 
9.Külliki KrabbiTallinn Technical UniversityMagistrant 
10.Marina KudrjašovaTallinn Technical Universityteadur 
11.Ruth KuldveeTallinn Technical Universitydotsent(2003 a.) 
12.Maria KulpTallinn Technical UniversityDoktorant 
13.Viia LepaneTTÜ MLTassistent 
14.Tuuli LevandiTTÜ MLTmagistrant 
15.Anna MenakerTallinn Technical UniversityMagistrant 
16.Anne OravTallinn Technical Universityv.teadur 
17.Monika ReismannTallinn Technical UniversityMagistrant 
18.Aleksei ZaidentsalTallinn Technical UniversityMagistrant 
19.Heli TahkoniemiTTÜ MLTdoktorant 
20.Maili TreumannTallinn Technical UniversityAssistent 
21.Olga TrubitsõnaTTÜ MLTmagistrant 
22.Aini VaarmannTTÜ MLTassistent 
23.Merike VaherTallinn Technical Universityteadur 
24.Anu ViitakTallinn Technical Universityv.teadur