title: Soils of Estonia: properties, ecology, evaluation of status, sustainable management, taxonomy.
reg no: SF0172613s03
project type: targeted financing
subject: 1.10-1.16. Bio-Geo Sciences
status: accepted
institution: Estonian Agricultural University
head of project: Raimo Kõlli
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007
description: To assure equilibrium environmental status, to arrange an effective agricultural and forest management and to organise ecologically sound utilisation of territory the society must own know-how about soil concern information on the whole state as well as on local levels. The Estonian society's perception of soil must be perfected at actual time. The main goals of the project are: (1) to give a systematic characterisation of arable and forest soil properties on pedon level, (2) to study soil ecology in dependence of land use peculiarities, (3) to elaborate the criteria and principles for soil status evaluation, (4) to elaborate the ways for sustainable soil use and (5) to develop the Estonian soil taxonomy. The theoretical base of the research form from two essential principles: (1) locality of soil concern problems and (2) development of soils in tight concordance with local environmental conditions. The main data treated in project are originated from long-term experimental and field treatment areas network, from model experiments and from different databases, some of which will be updated in the course of research. The Department of Soil Science & Agrochemistry EAU has relatively well furnished laboratory and experienced laboratory assistants for the starting of project. In the project are participated 4 highly qualified soil scientists as well as 8 workers applying doctor of science and 5 master of science degree. The results of the project enable to develop scientifically well-founded methods for soil cover use in agriculture and forestry, which is effective and friendly for nature. From the taxonomic view point the systemic overview or model about Estonian post- and synlithogenic mineral- and organic soil species properties, ecology and sustainable use are created.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Angela AbolkalnEstonian Agricultural Universitymgrnt. 
2.Imbi AlbreEstonian Agricultural Universitylbr. 
3.Alar AstoverEstonian Agricultural Universitylektor 
4.Olav EllermäeEstonian Agricultural Universityteadur 
5.Karin KauerEstonian Agricultural Universityvan.lbr/mgrnt 
6.Paul KuldkeppEstonian Agricultural Universityprof. emer. 
7.Raimo KõlliEstonian Agricultural University 
8.Raja KährikEstonian Agricultural Universitylbr. 
9.Tiina KösterEstonian Agricultural Universitylektor 
10.Tiina LaidveeEstonian Agricultural Universitylbr. 
11.Enn LeeduEstonian Agricultural Universitydots. 
12.Lenno LinkEstonian Agricultural Universitylbr. 
13.Mati MõtteEstonian Agricultural Universitydoktorant 
14.Merrit NoormetsEstonian Agricultural Universitylekt/dkrnt 
15.Jaanika PuustEstonian Agricultural Universitymgrnt. 
16.Endla ReintamEstonian Agricultural Universitylektor 
17.Hugo RoostaluEstonian Agricultural Universityprof. p.rek 
18.Kaire SoosaarEstonian Agricultural Universitylbr. 
19.Kaupo SuikEstonian Agricultural Universitymgrant. 
20.Indrek TammEstonian Agricultural Universitydkrnt 
21.Triin TeesaluEstonian Agricultural Universityteadur 
22.Avo ToomsooEstonian Agricultural Universitylektor 
23.Tõnu TõnutareEstonian Agricultural Universitylbr. 
24.Toomas TõrraEstonian Agricultural Universitydkrnt. 
25.Nikolay VasilievEstonian Agricultural Universitydoktorant 
26.Vahur VingisaarEstonian Agricultural Universitydoktorant