title: Pedagogical foundations and implementation models for constructivist web-based environments in Estonian higher education context.
reg no: SF0132492s03
project type: targeted financing
subject: 2. Engineering
5. Social Sciences
6. Humanities
status: completed
institution: Tallinn University of Educational Sciences
head of project: Peeter Normak
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2005
description: Despite the strong public and administrative support to e-learning, the use of Web-based Learning Management Systems (LMS) has been quite marginal in Estonian higher education institutions. Reasons for this can be related with high cost, poor learnability, no localized versions and narrow didactical arsenal of existing LMS. The main goal of this research project is specification of pedagogical, design and implementation models for a new LMS, which is 1) designed according to the users needs, 2) compatible with emerging semantic web and instructional technology standards, 3) supporting various learning/teaching scenarios and methods, and 4) accessible by various input-output devices (mobile phone, PDA, screenreader). Based on the results of this study, the prototype of a new LMS will be developed and piloted in Estonian as well in six 6 European universities accompanied with a comparative study of learning cultures.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Kaido KikkasTallinn University of Educational Sciencesv.-teadur 
2.Jaagup KipparTallinn University of Educational Sciencesprogrammeerija 
3.Mart LaanpereTallinn University of Educational Sciencesteadur 
4.Reelyka LähebTallinn University of Educational Sciencesdoktorant 
5.Katrin NiglasTallinn University of Educational Scienceslektor 
6.Peeter NormakTallinn University of Educational Sciences 
7.Mari PlakkTallinn University of Educational Sciencesteadur 
8.Hans PõldojaTallinn University of Educational Sciencesmagistrant 
9.Reelyka RannalaTallinn University of Educational Sciencesteadur 
10.Olev RäisaTallinn University of Educational Scienceslektor 
11.Sirje VirkusTallinn University of Educational Sciencesteadur