title: The topology and texture of Estonian literature. [Intersemiotical analysis]
reg no: SF0032471s03
project type: targeted financing
subject: 5. Social Sciences
6. Humanities
status: accepted
institution: Estonian Literary Museum
head of project: Virve Sarapik
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007
description: The research project aims at the developing of a new methodology ¿ topological analysis of literature, the mapping of its main directions, and its application in Estonian literary studies. In the framework of the project attempts will be made to draw under a united methodology the analysis of temporal and spatial relations in different types of texts, interrelations between fixed motifs (typical images, cultural universals) and changeable constituents, and relations between textual elements of a literary work. The central topic of the project will be semiotic analysis; the core notion, proceeding from the linguistic discretion of a verbal text and the continuity of environment represented by it, will be intersemiosis. Based on the previous research trends and experience of the work group, the analysis will cover the construction of temporal and spatial relations within a text; interrelations between the fictional and real worlds; interrelations between human beings, their environment and nature; interference of art genres and ontological problems of a creative work. The empirical basis of the project will mainly be Estonian literature; as well as the associations of image and word, and other bounder cases (comics, concrete poetry); pictorial art, and texts of film and theatre as typical cases of intersemiosis.
The project will find an outlet in the continuation of an international series of conferences and published proceedings ¿Place and Location¿, in annual conferences, jointly published collections of articles, and monographs on individual subjects within the project. The project will be integrated into graduate and postgraduate studies.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Katrin EnnusEstonian Literary Museumassistent 
2.Maie KaldaEstonian Literary Museumkonsultant-vanemteadur 
3.Hasso KrullEstonian Literary Museumteadur 
4.Mari LaanisteEstonian Literary Museumassistent 
5.Timo MaranEstonian Literary Museumteadur 
6.Andrus OrgEstonian Literary Museumassistent 
7.Virve SarapikEstonian Literary Museumvanemteadur 
8.Lauri SommerEstonian Literary Museumassistent 
9.Kadri TüürEstonian Literary Museumteadur