title: Interaction between the natural environment and man from the geographical, historical and technological aspect.
reg no: SF0042476s03
project type: targeted financing
subject: 1.10-1.16. Bio-Geo Sciences
6. Humanities
status: accepted
institution: Institute of History
head of project: Lembi Lõugas
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007
description: The project, carrying out interdisciplinary fundamental studies, is focused on establishing the impact of environment to the formation of human population and the impact of human activity to environment through time. The aim is to specify the historical and geographical development of local fauna and flora and the cultural landscapes. Also, the development of palaeopopulations of Estonians is studied: anthropo- and ethnogenetical, systematical, morphological and ecological developments. Within the investigations of ancient technology the time of introduction and use of new materials (stone, bone and metals), their processing technologies and development are studied. The formation of biotechnology is observed against the background of the dynamics of animal breeding and the introduction of cultivated plants.
Main materials for study come from the archaeological sites, but also from natural sediments and layers. A great part of the material is stored in the museums and depositories. However, for solutions of specific questions new materials will be obtained during the fieldworks.
Future perspective is seen in the exploitation of modern methods in studies of nature-historical materials like the faunal, floral and human remains, different materials used by ancient people etc. These methods include, primarily, chemical (compounds and stable isotopes) and DNA analyses.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Raili AllmäeInstitute of Historyteadur 
2.Leiu HeapostInstitute of Historyvanemteadur 
3.Sirje HiieInstitute of Historyvaneminsener 
4.Kersti KihnoInstitute of Historyteadur, doktoran 
5.Jana Limbo-SimovartInstitute of Historyteadur 
6.Lembi LõugasInstitute of HistorySenior researcher 
7.Liina MaldreInstitute of Historyteadur 
8.Tanel MooraInstitute of Historyteadur 
9.Jüri PeetsInstitute of Historyteadur 
10.Ulla SaluäärInstitute of Historymagistr.