title: Sustainable/Green Chemistry and Chemical Technology
reg no: COSTD29
project type: COST
subject: CD. Chemistry
status: accepted
duration: 07.02.2002 - 20.06.2007
description: The main objective of the Action is to develop sustainable industrial chemicals and chemical based consumer products utilising sustainable and environmentally friendly processes.

The main objective will be achieved by (1) providing a mechanism to establish a common understanding of the current status and the future research, development, and educational needs of Sustainable/Green Chemistry and Chemical Technology for Europe; (2) establishing and managing a selection process for identifying potential industrial chemicals and chemical based consumer products that could be considered sustainable/green according to information available at the time of the selection; and (3) co-ordinating new joint research efforts for designing and developing environmentally friendly processes for the production of such sustainable/green products.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Mihkel KoelTallinn Technical Universitysenior researcher