title: Ahtalehise mustika kasvatustehnoloogiad ja sordiaretus
reg no: ESTAG3
project type: ESTAG grant for applied research
subject: 4.2. Crop Sciences (inc. Horticulture)
status: accepted
institution: EAU Faculty of Agronomy
head of project: Marge Starast
duration: 01.05.2001 - 01.11.2006
description: Feasibility studies revealed that the narrow-leaved bilberry is a new prospective berry crop in Estonia. Growing bilberries is a possibility to promote small enterprises in the countryside and to reduce unemployment. Increasing the assortment of berry crops would reduce risks, divide workload more evenly, prolong the period of product realisation and increase the profitability of small production. This project aims at founding experimental areas in Southern Estonia and on islands where many small farms are located. The ultimate goal of the project is to provide producers with the technology for growing narrow-leaved bilberries as well as with plant material suitable for growing in Estonia. the

project group
no name institution position  
1.Marge StarastEPMÜ Aianduse Instituutresearcher