title: Piimhappe, biodegradeeruvate plastide ja materjalide saamine teraviljast
reg no: ESTAG8
project type: ESTAG grant for applied research
subject: 2.7. Biotechnology, Food and Drink Technology
status: accepted
institution: TU Faculty of Biology and Geography
head of project: Ain Heinaru
head of project: Allan Nurk
duration: 01.11.2001 - 30.04.2003
description: The project involves the research of possibilities of obtaining non-food products from grain. The project aims primarily at the environmentally-friendly, energy-efficient and economically rational production of lactic acid from renewable raw material (grain), which would serve as the basis for the production of environmentally-friendly plastic materials and solvents.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Ain HeinaruTU Faculty of Biology and Geography 
2.Allan NurkTU Faculty of Biology and Geographyvanemteadur