title: Physical-chemical processes in Fennoscandian lithosphere: chemical composition of rocks and minerals, geochronology, and numerical and analogue modelling
reg no: SF0332652s04
project type: targeted financing
subject: 1.10-1.16. Bio-Geo Sciences
status: accepted
institution: Institute of Geology at Tallinn Technical University
head of project: Alvar Soesoo
duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2008
description: The aim of the project is to: (1) continue petrological-geochemical investigation of Precambrian crust in Fennoscandia (incl. Estonia), (2) study the processes of mineral formation and modifications and spacial-temporal correlations of volcanic processes in Baltic palaeocontinent, (3) establish a ICP¿MS¿LAM laboratory. As a synergy point of the problems addressed serves the application and development of modern high resolution precise geochemical methods and consideration of geological processes at a generalising level using the concepts of self-organsation, critical states, geocomplexity and chaos. Peculiarities of Estonian bedrock formation and geotectonical position will be elucidated; the use of fractals in partial melting processes will be continued with an aim to develop a method for determining melting processes on the basis of migmatisation. Distribution of volcanic strata in the bedrock of Estonia and their geochemical peculiarities will be elucidated. All parts of the research include development of precision technique and later ¿ generalisation of lithospheric processes.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Evelyn KalamInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universityinsener 
2.Toivo KallasteInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universityteadur 
3.Tarmo KiipliInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universityvan.teadur 
4.Tiiu KlaosInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universityinsener 
5.Reedik KuldkeppInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universityteadur 
6.Jüri NemliherInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universityvan.teadur 
7.Alvar SoesooInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universitydirektor, laborijuhataja, professor 
8.Alvar SoesooInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universitylaborijuhataja 
9.Kristjan UrtsonInstitute of Geology at Tallinn Technical Universityvan. insener