title: Taimebiotehnoloogia meetodite uurimine kartuli ja aiakultuuride saordiaretuse ja seemnekasvatuse lähtematerjali tervendamisel ja paljundamisel
reg no: PM6
project type: Põllumajandusministeeriumi põllumajanduslike rakendusuuringute ja arendustegevuse toetus
subject: 4.2. Crop Sciences (inc. Horticulture)
status: accepted
institution: Plant Biotechnic Research Centre EVIKA at EAU
head of project: Katrin Kotkas
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007
description: The aim of the project· To improve the diseases eradication, propagation and growing technologies of initial material for potato breeding and seed production in order to improve the productivity of plants and quality of yield. To eradicate from viruses and other dangerous diseases, to propagate and select for the breeding and seed production the meristem clones with best agronomical traits.· To create species-specific, economically effective biotechnological methods for increasing the plant propagation rate, yield and quality of various species of horticultures.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Katrin KotkasPlant Biotechnic Research Centre EVIKA at EAUdirektor 
2.Peet TalvojaPlant Biotechnic Research Centre EVIKA at EAUvanemteadur 
3.Virge VasarPlant Biotechnic Research Centre EVIKA at EAUvanemteadur