title: Uute mullaanalüüside meetodite katsetamine ja evitamine ning erinevate mikroelementide määramiseks sobilike eksraheerimislahuste kasutusvõimaluste uuringud
reg no: PM19
project type: Põllumajandusministeeriumi põllumajanduslike rakendusuuringute ja arendustegevuse toetus
subject: 4.2. Crop Sciences (inc. Horticulture)
status: completed
institution: Estonian Agricultural University
head of project: Valli Loide
duration: 01.01.2001 - 31.12.2004
description: Due to an overall reorganization in agriculture and in agrochemical service some changes must be done in agrochemical mapping of soils. Different extraction solutions are used for analysing concentration of chemical elements in the soil. Selection between different extraction solutions depends on soil properties, suitability for mass-analyses and technical capabilities. In the present time when the numbers of users of the results of agrochemical mapping have increased several times, we have to find out more suitable and internationally accepted methods in soil analyses.One way in the optimisation of analyses of plant macro- and micronutrients is to reduce the number of extraction solutions. The characteristic feature of Estonian soils is the content of calcium in alkaline and even in acid soils. It must be taken into account in the choosing of extraction solutions. In the other hand these extraction solutions must be used with advanced analysing technique (ICP, FIA). AL-method for analysing of magnesium must be examined and if it is necessary it must be improved.Putting the new extraction solutions into the practice the correlations between different methods must be found out. Also the transition coefficients and soil fertility classes for plant macro- and micronutrients have to be investigated.Expected result: analysing method for the determination as much as possible of plant nutrients from one extraction solution will find out. The objectivity of the analyses of some elements will improve. Consequently the quality and quantity of analyses for soil agrochemical mapping will improve which enables farmers to make right decisions in preserving and increasing of soil fertility.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Jaan KangerEstonian Agricultural Universityteadur 
2.Leonhard Kevvai 
3.Paul KuldkeppEstonian Agricultural Universityemeriitprofessor 
4.Heino KärblaneEstonian Agricultural Universityvanemteadur 
5.Valli LoideEstonian Agricultural UniversityPõllumajandusuuringute keskuse agrokeemia büroo juhataja