title: Socioeconomical and health-rated risk factors and prevalence of depression in primary care
reg no: ETF5696
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 3.1. Basic Medicine
status: accepted
institution: TU Faculty of Medicine
head of project: Heidi-Ingrid Maaroos
duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2007
description: The general purpose of this project is to study depressive disorders in primary care. Depression has become one of the most prevalent mental disorders. In Europe depressive disorders and symptoms of depression have been found in 25% of patients visiting general practitioners and family doctors. One reason for such a high prevalence is inadequate diagnostics and treatment on the primary care level. Recognition of depression in primary care could be improved by availability of suitable diagnostic methods. Despite numerous studies there is still no consensus regarding the prevalence and risk factors of depression. Reducing the prevalence of depression depends on knowing the risk factors that provoke or prolong episodes of disorder, and possibilities to reduce exposure to them. Beside clinical significance the analysis of risk factors advances the understanding of etiology and maintenance of depression. Studies have suggested socioeconomic conditions, physical health and nature of close relationships to be risk factors for depression. Our earlier studies enable to identify some sociodemographic factors related to depression. Nevertheless no studies have been conducted in Estonia that would enable estimation of the prevalence rate and risk factors of depressive disorders.
The specific aims of the project are the following:
1. To study the prevalence of depression in primary care medicine.
2. To study the problems of family practitioners in diagnosing and treating depressive patients.
3. To study socieconomic and health-related risk factors of depression in primary care.
4. To devolop an evidence-based rating scale of depression for primary care
We expect that the results of this work provide new knowledge about the prevalence and etiology og depression. From clinical viewpoint the project contributes to the development of new assessment methods for depression. The analysis of risk factors and GP attitudedes enables better prevention and more adequate treatment of the disorder.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Anu AluojaTÜ psühhiaatriakliinikdotsent 
2.Ruth KaldaTÜ Polikliiniku ja Perearstiteaduse õppetooldotsent, vanemteadur 
3.Heidi-Ingrid MaaroosTU Faculty of MedicineProfessor 
4.Pille ÖöpikTÜ Polikliiniku ja Perearstiteaduse õppetool